Visitors 10
Modified 14-Oct-12
Created 14-Oct-12
0 photos

Digital Photo Academy (

Composition in the Field Class

Using leading lines
  • in this case the lines are parts of the plants which lead you into, across, or out of the photo (notice the green cattail fronds, the aloe blades and the black & white tree branch)

Using the rule of thirds
  • while it is tempting to center every subject, often your best composition is achieved by having the subject off center to accentuate it (notice the postion of dragonfly, the sunflowers & the center of the aloe plant)
  • imagine a grid of 9 squares, like a tic-tac-toe board, in your viewfinder (or turn on the gridlines on your camera to make this simple until you automatically start to see gridlines in your head with practice); the 4 points where the lines intersect are power points where you should try to place your subject

Using color
  • concentrating on one color can make your subject stand out against its background (notice the sunflowers against the blue sky, the red dragonfly on the green cattail frond against a muted tan background & the black & white tree branch & leaves)

Using depth of field to emphasize your subject
  • the shallower the depth of field, the more blurred the background becomes
  • sometimes the background objects are obvious (the sunflowers), sometimes they are not (the dragonfly) depending on how much blur you choose
  • for landscapes, the usual preference is to have a wider depth of field which means that all objects from the foreground thru the background are in focus and not blurred
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